
  • 会社名 株式会社摩耶デザインオフィス
    住所 東京都板橋区仲宿31-3アクセルビル1階
    代表者 八木橋麻耶(仮名 摩耶)
    • 衣装のデザイン及び製作
    • アパレル製品の企画、販売及び輸出入
    • 衣装のお直し及びレンタル業務
    • 人材の育成及び教育
    • 労働者派遣事業
    • 前各号に附帯する一切の業務
    資本金 300万円
    • 株式会社メディアミックスジャパン
    • 株式会社ハイワークス
    • 株式会社マーベラス
    • 夢団株式会社
    取引銀行 みずほ銀行 池袋支店
    設立日 平成29年6月28日


摩耶 1981年生まれ

代表作に世界的評価の高いコンテンポラリーダンサー森山開次氏の「KATANA」「The Velvet Suite」等多くの作品で衣裳を担当。
また、舞台「イナズマイレブン」や「WILD HALF」等、2.5次元舞台も担当する等、幅広く活動。
同時にファッション業界と繋がりが深く, ファッション誌「GLAMOROUS」「ar」のイベントにて衣装を担当。
富永愛氏が親善大使を務める「MODE for Charity」ファッションショー オープニングACT, 会場デザイン、アパレル企業様へのデザイン提供、Tシャツデザイン等、多岐に渡り活動している。
2012年より「未来に繫げる事・教える事」もまた使命の1つと考え 専門学校の非常勤講師としても活動。
同時に全国学校巡業公演、老人ホーム巡業公演、子供向けワークショップ用衣装等、劇場に足を運べない方々、 未来を担う子供たちに向けた衣装製作に力を注ぐ。
2014年 MMJプロデュース「SONG OF SOULS」にて自身初の大舞台(神奈川芸術劇場:KAAT)に進出。


Maya Born 1981

Exceptionally admitted into Tokyo TOFY College of Fashion Arts at the age of 16.
After graduating from the college at the top of her class, went abroad to continue her studies and graduated from ESMOD Paris Haute Couture Course.
Received many awards during her studies there, including the Salvador Dali Award, the Golden Needle Award, etc.
After graduating, took part in the Paris Fashion Week as a modelist, then returned to Japan.
From 2006, started her career centered on stage costumes.
Has designed costumes in many productions of theatre, dance, butoh, contemporary dance, musicals, etc.
A few of her representative works include costume designs for many productions of internationally recognized contemporary dancer Kaiji Moriyama, including “KATANA,” “The Velvet Suite (Venice Biennale performance),” etc.
Especially her fabric designs freely using techniques of dyeing/tie-dyeing are highly recognized. (Studied under dyer Chiyo Oyaizu since her teens)
Also, designs costumes for many “2.5 dimension theatre” productions, or dramatizations of original plots and characters from popular anime/games, including “Inazuma Eleven.”
Simultaneously, she has deep connections with the fashion industry, and was responsible for the styling in events for fashion magazines “GLAMOROUS” and “ar.”
Her other diverse works include designing of the opening act for the “MODE for Charity” fashion show for which top model Ai Tominaga is ambassador, designing venues, contributing designs for apparel companies, designing T-shirts, etc.
Since 2012, recognizing that “Passing the art on to the future/teaching” is one of her missions, also teaches as a part-time instructor in a college of fashion.
In recent years, she puts a lot of effort into creating costumes for children of future generations and people who cannot go to the theaters, such as in-school performances touring around the country, productions touring around retirement homes, costumes for workshops for children, etc.
Advanced her career into large-sized theaters (KAAT = KAnagawa Arts Theatre) in 2014 for the first time with the production produced by MMJ, “SONG OF SOULS.”
Her mystical and original world view has been receiving many favorable reviews.

I believe that “creating something” is equal to “creating a new tomorrow.”
I wish for the creations that I deliver to help shape someone's hopes for tomorrow.
Now and forever, I believe in the power of clothes and the power of people.