





Nowadays, product manufacturing tends to be easily systematized and performed at a low cost. But I believe in an absolute beauty that can only be achieved by hand crafting. Also, I feel repeatedly reminded of the importance of emphasizing the uniqueness of each individual.

I think of costumes as the only “weapon” that the wearer can bear.

I take it as the least of my responsibilities as a costume designer to create the product by merging the best of the “desires” communicated by the client, and the atmosphere and physical traits originally constituting the wearer.

We will continue to sincerely create ultimate weapons (= costumes) for the wearers, and continue our daily efforts to make ourselves a strong ally in many productions to come.



デザイン → フィッティング → お直し → 仕込み → ゲネプロまでを担当させて頂きます。



また各種ステージ衣装(コンサート、レビューショー等々)や 映像、CM衣装、お直し業務個人オーダーも請け負っております。お気軽にご相談下さい。

Costume designs for various stage productions (theatre, musicals, dance, butoh, etc.).

Management of costumes from design to fitting, adjusting/altering, installation, to the final dress rehearsal.

Management of costume application and maintenance throughout the production shall be separately ordered.

Please consult us at an early stage if you have plans to request costume management throughout the production.

Also, we also accept orders of various stage costumes (concerts, revue shows, etc.), or movies, advertisements, alterations/adjustments, or personal orders, or orders of designing only, patterning only, sewing only. Please fell free to consult us.







Since 2013, works as a part-time instructor in a college of fashion in Tokyo.

We are capable of planning courses for costumes, apparel designing, and manufacturing in general.

We are also capable of planning and executing special courses for schools, other corporations, or individuals.

We will give an easily understandable explanation of a profession that mostly works behind the scenes.

Please feel free to contact us.

Public Utility Works




芸術は心豊かに生きる為、必要な物であると信じていますが現実には、劇場がない地方の方々、劇場があっても様々な理由により、その機会を得られない環境にある多くの方々がいらっしゃいます。Atelier P.of S.はそんな方々へ作品を届ける事業をしていらっしゃるクライアント様にできる限り尽力していきたいと思っております。



In the history of art, impressionist painters shifted from the conventional art industry- a secluded art expression that was solely for royal members and aristocrats, to arts focusing on daily lives and farmers, and left for us a legacy of such art pieces.

I had always thought theatre should be the same.

I believe that art is a necessity for living a spiritually rich life, but in reality, there are people living in rural areas where there are no theatres, and many people who live under conditions where they cannot go to theatres for various reasons.

Atelier P.of S. is resolved to put in the utmost efforts for clients who deliver performances for such audiences.

We would be ever more happier if we can help deliver smiles to people throughout Japan… throughout the world…